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Location: Duesseldorf, Germany

I'm an American Opera Singer, living in Germany for 21 years now. I love visiting my sister and brother in Rhode Island.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Site, recommended by NYTimes

March 13, 2009, 7:30 pm

Tumblr Makes Blogging Blissfully Easy
By Sam Grobart AND Paul Boutin
Have you always wanted to blog, but never found the time to set up a site? Stop reading me and click through to Tumblr, a free blogging site that makes it effortless not only to type in text, but to share photos, links, music, and videos. There’s even an instant-post button to include quotes from other blogs.

Setting up a Tumblr blog takes about 35 seconds. I timed it. You hit the site, click on “Sign up,” then type in your email address, a password, and a name for your blog. Click once again and you’re up and running.

Besides being easy to use, Tumblr has a very eye-pleasing layout with a minimalist Web-2.0 look. You can customize it, but why bother? When you login to add content, a row of giant buttons atop the page gives you one-click access to simple tools to insert text, a photo, a quote, a link, a chat session, an audio clip, or a video clip.

Much like Facebook or Twitter, Tumblr handles all the formatting for each type of content automatically. The less you think about it, the better Tumblr works.


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